UI Settings and Customization Options
UI Settings and Customization Options
Below you will find information regarding customizing your player plugin in various ways. Plugin Customization Options are player level settings that can change what the UI displays. There is no required development work as all of these can be added on the player level.
Plugin Customization Options
start_up_next | Activate the IRIS.TV UpNext widget at the start of the video | FALSE |
start_up_next_text | Text to display in the IRIS.TV UpNext widget at the start of the video (Max 140 pixels) | "Up Next!" |
start_up_next_time | Number of seconds from the beginning of the video to display the start slate (in seconds) | 5 |
start_up_next_length | Duration of the start slate (in seconds) | 7 |
end_up_next | Activate the IRIS.TV Up Next widget at the end of the video | FALSE |
end_up_next_text | Text to display in the IRIS.TV UpNext widget at the end of the video (Max 140 pixels) | "Up Next!" |
end_up_next_time | Duration of the end slate from the end of the video (in seconds) | 7 |
disable_mobile_upnext | Disable UpNext on mobile | FALSE |
thumbs_up | Have the IRIS.TV thumbs up button and behavior in the player | TRUE |
thumbs_down | Have the IRIS.TV thumbs down button and behavior in the player | TRUE |
skip_back | Have the IRIS.TV skip down button and behavior in the player | TRUE |
skip_forward | Have the IRIS.TV skip forward button and behavior in the player | TRUE |
skip_on_thumbs_down | When user clicks thumbs down, the video automatically skips | TRUE |
ssl | To send API calls over SSL. "true" sends through HTTPS | FALSE |
number | To open up the number of recommendations in the watch call (Max value = 20 assets) | 5 |
user_id | ID that IRIS.TV will use for processing recommendations | IRIS.TV Adaptive Library creates an anonymous ID for users when the plugin is loaded |
Required Plugin Options
NOTE: All required plugin options are for Custom Adaptive integrations and Adaptive JWPlayer integrations. All plugin options are Optional for Brightcove, Kaltura, and The Platform Adaptive Plugins
SETTING | Required for custom Adaptive integrations and JWPlayer | Required for Ooyala Adaptive Plugin | Required for Vidible Adaptive Plugin | Required for THEO Adaptive Plugin | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT SETTING (IF NOT REQUIRED) |
client_token | REQUIRED | REQUIRED | REQUIRED | REQUIRED | token used to authenticate asset library (provided by IRIS.TV) | No default setting |
platform | REQUIRED | Not Required | Not Required | Not Required | OVP | OVP name |
platform_id | REQUIRED | Not Required | Not Required | REQUIRED | Initial's video unique ID from your content feed. | Initial video ID |
player_id | REQUIRED | Not Required | Not Required | Not Required | ID for player |
Advanced Options
access_token | Access token used to authenticate IRIS.TV | N/A |
api_url | URL to use for requests to IRIS API | api.iris.tv |
video_player (for custom Adaptive integrations) | ID to use if the video_player element is different from the HTML element | N/A |
global | Create the "iris" global class for further customization and event handling | GlobalIrisPlayer |
debug | Display debug logs in JavaScript console | FALSE |
iframe | Boolean value to signify if player is separate iframe from IRIS.TV Adaptive Plugin. Requires the use of "iframeWrapperId" | FALSE |
iframeWrapperId | ID to use for player iframe when "iframe" setting is set to TRUE | null |
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