Sending Custom Anonymized IDs for Adaptive Plugins

Overview: This details how to send in custom user IDs for the Adaptive Plugin.

This is currently supported for the following video players:

Note: The variable name for the plugin customization options can differ based on the video player being used. Please refer to the documentation for the specific player plugin to ensure that the naming is correct. 

It is recommended that the client sends in a hashed user ID that is acting as their main system of record for collecting user behavior. If the client would like to pass in more than one ID, please contact IRIS.TV so that a workflow for your data can be created for your marketing or data storage systems.

Here's an example of the plugin options modified with the user_id:

var irisOptions = {
  settings: {
	user_id : <user_id>,
    client_token: <CLIENT_TOKEN>,
    platform: <VIDEO PLAYER PROVIDER>,
    ssl: true,
    platform_id: <PLATFORM_ID>
    player_id: <HTML player id>
  player_elements: {
    video_player: video_player, // Recommended if video_player element is different from the HTML element. Optional.
  iris_buttons: {
    thumbs_up: true, // would you like the thumbs_up button? 
    thumbs_down: true, 
    skip_forward: true, 
    skip_back: true, 
    skip_on_thumbs_down: true // would you like the player to skip the current video if a user clicks thumbs_down?

Using the IRIS.TV Adaptive Plugin bundled within the player

Clients using the IRIS.TV Adaptive Plugins that are traditionally bundled with their player will need to add the plugin to the page HTML instead of using the CMS.

This is required for:

Details on how to use the unbundled plugin can be found here: Brightcove Adaptive Plugin -- Not Bundled within Brightcove Player. Once following those instructions, the user ID should be added to the "var playerOptions":

    var playerOptions = {
        client_token: "[IRIS.TV Provided Client Token]",
		user_id: "[anonymized user_id]"
        campaign_tracking: true,
        global: "iris_player",
        perform_player: false,
        start_up_next: true,
        start_up_next_time: 14,
        end_up_next: true,
        end_up_next_text: "RECOMMENDED: ",
        end_up_next_time: 10,
        thumbs_up: true,
        thumbs_down: true,
        skip_forward: true,
        skip_back: true,
        skip_on_thumbs_down: true
    videojs('myPlayer').ready(function () {
        var myPlayer = this;