3. Workflow -- Refreshing Recommendations

User BTORW has watched all videos from the Watch call.

Step 1: Send Video Complete Update for last asset

Send Update Call with parameters “behavior” parameters “behavior[next_auto]=1” “behavior[video_complete]=1” “behavior[percentage_watched]=1” to IRIS.TV:




Response from IRIS.TV:


"success": true,
"behavior": {
"next_auto": 1,
video_complete: 1
"percentage_watched": 1
"experience": "53ebec0d321d0690858dw5r1"


Step 2: Send Next Call with ID from last asset

NOTE: Make the Next call after receiving the IRIS API response from the Update call.



Response from IRIS.TV:


 'success': true,
 'next': [
 'iris_id': '51084789cd5f272312231105',
 'platform': 'Icandenza',
 'content_url': 'http://www.credenza.com/asset_6.mp4',
 'platform_id': '908JOL',
 'title': 'The Grapefruit Theif',
 'release_date': '2012-10-22 12:30:58 UTC',
 'reviewed': '2013-02-05 23:02:24 UTC',
 'iris_id': '539a5ba7f09c3f00172310bb',
 'platform': 'Icandenza',
 'content_url': 'http://www.credenza.com/asset_7.mp4',
 'platform_id': '874KFR'',
 'title': 'The Bird Baron Trailer',
 'release_date': '2014-06-12 20:51:53 UTC'
 'iris_id': '53cdc6233459980016231012',
 'platform': 'Icandenza',
 'content_url': 'http://www.credenza.com/asset_8.mp4',
 'platform_id': '891RGB',
 'title': 'Orson Welles UK Teaser Trailer',
 'release_date': '2014-07-20 19:51:07 UTC'
 'iris_id': '51084760cd5f2723122310a1',
 'platform': 'Icandenza',
 'content_url': 'http://www.credenza.com/asset_9.mp4',
 'platform_id': '908MAR',
 'title': 'Early Morning Moon Clip',
 'release_date': '2012-11-30 05:48:51 UTC',
 'reviewed': '2013-09-06 22:35:10 UTC',
 'iris_id': '53814f1af1585f0032231014',
 'platform': 'Icandenza',
 'content_url': 'http://www.credenza.com/asset_10.mp4',
 'platform_id': '56YLI',
 'title': 'C Grodin International Trailer',
 'release_date': '2014-05-24 19:33:28 UTC'
 'experience': '53ebec0d321d0690858dw5r1'


Step 3: Refresh playlist with new assets

Step 4: Send Update Call for next video

Incandenza sends update for play=1 update for the asset titled “The Grapefruit Theif” with platform_id “908JOL”

Sample call:


http://api.iris.tv/update?platform_id= 570ETA&platform=Incandenza&access_token=996JVD321AZ&user_id=BTORW&client_token=99999&experience=53ebec0d321d0690858dw5r1&behavior[play]=1 


Response from IRIS.TV API:


"success": true,
"behavior": {
"play": 1
"experience": "53ebec0d321d0690858dw5r1"


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