Open Auction & Buy-Side Targeting

Open Auction & Buy-Side Targeting

Overview: The following information pertains to how demand-side platforms can utilize the iris_id for contextual targeting.


How Does Open Auction Buying with Context and Brand-safety Work?

  • Each video added to the IRIS.TV Contextual Video Marketplace is assigned an IRIS.TV Content ID.

  • The IRIS.TV Content ID is then mapped into a hashed ID called the iris_id.

  • Each time the video is viewed across any screen and an ad opportunity occurs, the iris_id is sent into the bid-stream making it available to demand-side platforms to access.

  • The iris_id can then be passed to a variety of contextual data partners to unlock the contextual information and segments for the specific video.

What is the iris_id?

  • The iris_id is a hashed version of the IRIS.TV Content ID and is assigned for every video in the IRIS.TV Contextual Video Marketplace.

  • The iris_id enables buyers to identify each video and , unlock its video target the subject matter of the video , with third-party verification.

How to use the “iris_id”:

To use the “iris_id”, demand-side platforms must:

  • Have the ability to receive the “content.id” field in the bid-stream.

  • Have an existing data connection with a contextual data partner who works with IRIS.TV.


Example of the content object:

}, “content”: { “id”: “iris_12344556”, “title”: “[title]”, “series”: “[series]”, “cat”: “[category]”, “contentrating”: “TV-PG”, “context”: 1, “producer”: “[producer]”, “id”: “[network]”, “name”: “[network_name]”, }, “len”: “[seconds]” “genre”: “Comedy”, }


Steps to Utilize the iris_id:

  1. Receives the iris_id from the “content.id” field in the content object

  2. Send the iris_id to your contextual data partners of choice

  3. Receive the contextual segments from your contextual data partners

Once the DSP has the above workflow, the DSP can buy video ad impressions with context and brand-safety verification from your contextual data partner of choice.