Data Partner Integration

Data Partner Integration

Overview: The following documentation pertains to context and brand-safety data partners looking to integration with the IRIS.TV Contextual Video Marketplace.


Integration Workflow:

 Below describes the typical integration and activation of contextual data partners in the IRIS.TV Contextual Video Marketplace.


Integration Overview:


Step 1: Providing Video Data to the Contextual Data Partner

IRIS.TV will send publisher video metadata and URLs to contextual data partners for processing.

For each new video asset IRIS.TV will:

  • Send enrichment HTTP Post requests with a JSON body of video metadata

  • Use the video URL to identify the video asset

Video Metadata will include:

  • Title

  • Description

  • Length Seconds

  • Source Keywords

  • Thumbnail URL

  • Video URL

    • either MP4 or m3u8

  • VTT file or Transcript (where available)


Sample video asset metadata JSON:

{ "source_url" : "https://sample.content.com/file.mp4, "title" : "Sample Title", "description" : "Sample Description", "length_secs" : 136, "thumbnail_url" : "https://sample.content.com/file.jpg", "source_keywords" : [ "sample", "keyword", ], "transcript" : "https://sample.content.com/file.vtt" }


Step 2: Sending Contextual Segments to IRIS.TV

Contextual data partners will send segments for each video to IRIS.TV to be stored and activated via IRIS.TV’s ad server integrations:

  • Data segments will be sent via an HTTP Post to IRIS.TV with a JSON body containing the segments

  • The video URL will be used to identify the video asset


Step 3: Activating Contextual Segments

  • IRIS.TV will store contextual data partners segments as 3rd party meta-data on each videos asset record in the IRIS.TV system

  • When a video is viewed IRIS.TV will send contextual data partners segments to the publishers ad call in the form of a key value pair