The following is a rundown of the required information from a client for their content feed. There is also a placeholder at the bottom of the page for Watson data, should that information also be available from the client.
Each mRSS feed must be under XXMB in size when uncompressed, and can contain no more than XXX video items. If your uncompressed file is larger than XXMB, or you have more than XXX videos, you can submit multiple mRSS feeds and a Sitemap index file. Sitemap indexes can contain mRSS feeds.
Pagination Rules
Describe the specifications for pagination or a time-based parameter-ization of the feed endpoint.
Date Formats
All data formats should follow the UNIX Epoch time format in milliseconds.
Standard Feed Format
Below is a Version 1 example of a standard feed, with all of the fields that should be completed for process. A sample feed follows below as an example of how this data appears when active and in use in actual code.
id/GUID title/name description (short description optional) creationDate publishedDate lastModifiedDate deletedDate startDate endDate keywords/tags [separately "categories" if possible] videoStillURL thumbnailURL length (duration) economics: (i.e. AD_SUPPORTED) SourceURL/Content URL
Sample Feed
{ "id": 5331690110001, "name": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit", "shortDescription": "Donec congue orci vel ante posuere consectetur. Vestibulum vel eros velit. In suscipit arcu nec lectus posuere sagittis.", "creationDate": "1487717574502", "publishedDate": "1487717955852", "lastModifiedDate": "1487717955969", "startDate": 1487717955969, "endDate": null, "tags": [ "Fullscreen", "baseball", "si wire", "alex rodriguez", "new york yankees", "mlb" ], "videoStillURL": "http://xxx/2157889318001_5331738223001_5331690110001-vs.jpg?pubId=2157889318001", "thumbnailURL": "http://xxx/2157889318001_5331738224001_5331690110001-th.jpg?pubId=2157889318001", "length": 30805, "economics": "AD_SUPPORTED", "itemState": "ACTIVE", "playsTotal": null, "playsTrailingWeek": null, "customFields": { "syndicate": "1", "primarysection": "MLB", "franchise": "wire" }, "watson_keywords": [], "SourceURL": "http://xxx/2157889318001_5331740038001_5331690110001.mp4" },
For clarification, please find the definitions and/more information about the above feed fields below.
- "id": GUID (unique numeric identifier of asset)
- "name": Video asset title
- "shortDescription": Video asset description
- "creationDate": The date/time when the video record was published.
- "publishedDate": The date/time when the video record was first published on your web site.
- "lastModifiedDate": The date/time when the video record was last modified
- "startDate": The Availability start date. If null/omitted then the publishedDate will be used.
- "endDate": The Availability end date. If omitted, then recency business rules will be used for content expiry
- "tags": keywords associated with video asset
- "videoStillURL": URL to an image (optional)
- "thumbnailURL": URL to a thumbnail or image that you want to represent your video. For best results, image should be at least 300 pixels (width) and 16:9 ratio.
- "length": The duration of the video in milliseconds
- "economics": "AD_SUPPORTED" if the content is monetized with pre-roll advertising
- "itemState": ACTIVE - asset is available for recommendation with IRIS.TV // INACTIVE - asset is not available for recommendation with IRIS.TV
- "playsTotal": number of times a video asset has been initialized
- "playsTrailingWeek": Optional
- "customFields": {
- "syndicate": "1",
- "primarysection": ???
- "franchise": "wire"
- },
- "watson_keywords":
- [],
- "SourceURL": Media content source url