IRIS.TV supports a wide range of feed formats and data types. Below are lists of accepted importing methods and metadata requirements for adding contextual segments to your video content.
Accepted Methods for Import
IRIS.TV supports the following feed formats for video data importing:
Once you have sent details on how to access your contentthe publisher has sent IRIS.TV a content feed or API to access their video data, IRIS.TV will evaluate and follow-up with questions and a timeline for the initial import. Most initial imports take under ingest data into a secure account for the publisher. Content feed integrations typically take less than one week.
Recommendations for
Feed Pagination
If you are the publisher is providing a content feed for import(rather than an API) for content ingestion, IRIS.TV recommends using pagination so that your full library can be imported for contextual segmentation. IRIS.TV supports the following pagination methods
Offset parameter: Feed parameters that allow for calling a specific number of assets and an offset for how far to go into the feed.
Next Link pagination: a link for the next page is included in the current page.
Recommendations for
Asset Ordering
IRIS.TV recommends that feeds are ordered by a "updated_at" field on the assets. That ensures that all asset updates are imported into the system.
Metadata Requirements
IRIS.TV has ranked metadata requirements in three sections:
Required – these are necessary to create contextual segments on your content.
Preferred – this data will improve the contextual segments on your content.
Optional – this data will help IRIS.TV parse your the publishers feed and understand the state of your their content.
Excerpt |
Required Meta Data
Preferred Meta Data
Optional Meta Data