IRIS.TV supports the following feed formats:
API (If publishers have an API, they can provide an API route for IRIS.TV to evaluate
for the level of effort to utilize)
Meta Data Field Information
The following meta data is required when providing a content feed for video data ingestion:
Excerpt |
Required Meta Data "id/GUID": (unique numeric identifier of asset) "title/name": Video asset title "sourceURL": Media content source URL
Preferred Meta Data "description": Video asset description "categories": Taxonomical structure "keywords/tags": Keywords or tags associated with the video asset "transcript": Either the transcript text or link to a transcript file for the video
Optional Meta Data "startDate": The Availability start date. If null/omitted then the publishedDate will be used. "endDate": The Availability end date. If omitted, then recency business rules will be used for content expiration. "publishedDate": The date/time when the video record was first published on your web site. "creationDate": The date/time when the video record was published. "lastModifiedDate": The date/time when the video record was last modified "thumbnailURL": URL to a thumbnail or image that you want to represent your video. For best results, image should be at least 300 pixels (width) with a 16:9 ratio. "length": The duration of the video in milliseconds "itemState": ACTIVE - asset is available for recommendation with IRIS.TV // INACTIVE - asset is not available for recommendation with IRIS.TV
Sample Video Asset from a Publisher
"name": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit",
"shortDescription": "Donec congue orci vel ante posuere consectetur. Vestibulum vel eros velit. In suscipit arcu nec lectus posuere sagittis.",
IRIS.TV prefers that clients use pagination for asset feeds. This allows IRIS.TV to import the client's full library instead of a set of most recent assets. IRIS.TV supports the following pagination methods:
Offset parameter: Feed parameters that allow for calling a specific number of assets and an offset for how far to go into the feed.
Next Link pagination: link for next page is included in the current page.
Recommended Video Asset Ordering
IRIS.TV recommends that feeds are ordered by an a "updated_at" field on the assets. That ensures that all asset updates are imported into the recommendation system.