Date Formats
All date formats should follow the UNIX Epoch time format in milliseconds.
Standard Feed Format
Below is a Version 1 example of a standard feed, with all of the fields that should be completed for process. A sample feed follows below as an example of how this data appears when active and in use in actual code.
Code Block |
{ "id": 5331690110001, "name": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit", "shortDescription": "Donec congue orci vel ante posuere consectetur. Vestibulum vel eros velit. In suscipit arcu nec lectus posuere sagittis.", "creationDate": "1487717574502", "publishedDate": "1487717955852", "lastModifiedDate": "1487717955969", "startDate": 1487717955969, "endDate": null, "tags": [ "alex rodriguez", "new york yankees", "mlb" ], "videoStillURL": "http://xxx/2157889318001_5331738223001_5331690110001-vs.jpg?pubId=2157889318001", "thumbnailURL": "http://xxx/2157889318001_5331738224001_5331690110001-th.jpg?pubId=2157889318001", "length": 30805, "economics": "AD_SUPPORTED", "categories" : [ "Baseball" ], "itemState": "ACTIVE", "SourceURL": "http://xxx/2157889318001_5331740038001_5331690110001.mp4" }, |
- "id": GUID (unique numeric identifier of asset)
- "name": Video asset title
- "shortDescription": Video asset description
- "creationDate": The date/time when the video record was published.
- "publishedDate": The date/time when the video record was first published on your web site.
- "lastModifiedDate": The date/time when the video record was last modified
- "startDate": The Availability start date. If null/omitted then the publishedDate will be used.
- "endDate": The Availability end date. If omitted, then recency business rules will be used for content expiry
- "tags": keywords associated with video asset
- "videoStillURL": URL to an image (optional)
- "thumbnailURL": URL to a thumbnail or image that you want to represent your video. For best results, image should be at least 300 pixels (width) and 16:9 ratio.
- "length": The duration of the video in milliseconds
- "economics": "AD_SUPPORTED" if the content is monetized with pre-roll advertising
- Categories"categories": categories associated with the video, as an array of strings
- "itemState": ACTIVE - asset is available for recommendation with IRIS.TV // INACTIVE - asset is not available for recommendation with IRIS.TV
- "SourceURL": Media content source url